KFC Wings!

6-8 cups shortening
20 chicken wing pieces
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 teaspoon pepper
3/4 teaspoon MSG
1/8 teaspoon Paprika
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder

If you are using frozen wings allow them to defrost and mari
nate. If you are using fresh wings you are going to want to
take the wing and remove the flipper and then break them int
o two pieces and then marinate them. Combine the beaten egg
with the milk in a small bowl. In another small bowl, combin
e the flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika and MSG. W
hen shortening is hot, dip each wing first in the flour mixt
ure, then into the milk and egg mixture, and back into the f
lour. Bread all the wings then refrigerate them until ready
to use. When they are ready to be used fry them 6 at a time
for 12 minutes. Remove from the shortening and allow them to
drain for 3 minutes. For the barbecue ones dip in the barbe
cue sauce and serve.
The Colonel also had a Roasted chicken that was mighty tasty
. The chicken was marinated also and then baked with his fam
ous seasonings. The baking process was long it takes 4 hours
to bake it. It is baked at 225 for 2 hours till the interna
l temp was at 175. But for you at home I have updated this t
o be baked at a hire temperature and be prepared in less tim

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